Kid Superhero was formed by sixteen year old, Gabrielle, after witnessing a first hand account of the effects of cancer and the amazing strength of a survivor. Gabrielle decided, at that moment, to take Ghandi's advice to become the change that she wished to see in the world. Her ultimate goal is to increase funding for cancer research, raise awareness all while inspiring and motivating others to do the same. Having two younger siblings, Gabrielle realized that there are no age limits to fun and that all kids are superheroes in their own right. All kids have the power within in them to do amazing things and everyone leaves an indellible mark on this world and hopefully it is for the good of others and no contribution is ever too small! We all have the power of superheroes, sometimes we just need to be reminded that that strength truly is within us. So...Put your Kid Superhero Capes on and prepare for Battle! What are you waiting for??
Want to be a hero too? Donate to Kid Superhero through Paypal!
Tax Laws regarding Kid Superhero
Great news! Kid Superhero is a not-for-profit organization and should you or your company choose to donate Kid Superhero, your contribution can be written off of your taxes as advertising costs! Your name will be added to our supporter page, unless of course, you wish to remain anonymous. Every effort counts, time included!
Kid Superhero Events
Events are exciting times at Kid Superhero! Be sure to join our mailing list or check out our calendar to see how you can help or just join the fun!